Wade Hampton Census Area

Renamed: Kusilvak Census Area


Has been renamed Kusilvak Census Area,


Status: Resolved
Established: January 1st, 1913
Resolved: January 1st, 2015
Established By: John Randolph Tucker
Named For: Wade Hampton

Kusilvak Census Area, formerly known as Wade Hampton Census Area, is a census area located in the U.S. state of Alaska.

The census area was originally named for Wade Hampton III, a South Carolina politician whose son-in-law, John Randolph Tucker, a territorial judge in Nome, posthumously named a mining district in western Alaska for him in 1913.

The district eventually became the census area, retaining its name. Over the next century, the name became increasingly controversial, with Native residents and others arguing Hampton's name did not represent Alaska and that his personal history as a slave-holding Civil War general was a blemish on the region.

In July 2015, Alaska Governor Bill Walker formally notified the U.S. Census Bureau that the census area was being renamed after the Kusilvak Mountains, its highest range.

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