
Remove rebel flag from Police Department logo


Status: Resolved
Established: January 1st, 2009
Resolved: July 6th, 2020

“The patch that has been the focus of media coverage in 2020 was applied in 2009 solely by the authority of the office of police chief,” the statement said. “This officer is no longer employed by the city of Gettysburg.” - Mayor Bill Wuttke and the City Council - July 7, 2020

Gettysburg, which is in central South Dakota and about 190 miles (305 kilometers) west of the state’s largest city, Sioux Falls, was named after the famous battle in and around Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, that many view as the turning point of the Civil War.

From the Change.org Petition...

The Gettysburg Police department of South Dakota includes a confederate flag in their logo. There have been widespread movements to remove confederate symbols, South Dakota is not an exception. The Gettysburg Police Department refuses to remove the logo because it is “apart of their heritage.” South Dakota did not exist until 24 years AFTER the Civil War. There is no excuse. The confederacy was a blatantly racist organization that is not a fundamental part of our state's history. A police department cannot claim to protect its citizens while ostracizing their own citizens. This heritage is not ours, it has no place here. Please help urge Gettysburg to be on the right side of history by removing this racist symbol from its logo.

A letter from Gettysburg, PA reads as follows to Gettysburg, SD: 

Dear Mr. Mayor and City Council:

Greetings Mr. Mayor, City Council, and residents of Gettysburg, South Dakota – from your Sister City, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 

I write you on behalf of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania’s Mayor and Borough Council, who were recently contacted by residents in your area. Specifically, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania was asked to comment on the current national debate regarding the use of the Confederate Flag, the use of the Confederate Flag on Gettysburg, South Dakota’s Police Uniform, and in a broader sense the national debate on the appropriateness of the use of symbols (statues, monuments, flags, etc.) harkening back to a very divided nation during our Civil War.

The intention of this letter is to not compel Gettysburg, South Dakota to alter its city seal, as we recognize that is a decision only vested with your City Council and Mayor. Rather, it is our intention to explain how Gettysburg, Pennsylvania views the use of these symbols in the hope to foster a productive exchange of perspectives that recognizes our nation’s original sin (slavery), but yet how we as an imperfect people have taken exceptionally large steps since that era to achieve equality for all Americans - and to recognize that work remains unfinished in the pursuit of ‘a more perfect union’ – as stated in the Preamble of the United States Constitution.

As your Sister City in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where the Battle of Gettysburg took place, the same debate exists throughout our Borough. Local tourist shops sell and display the Confederate Flag to the consternation of many. However, the Borough of Gettysburg does not display the Confederate Flag on its police uniforms, patrol cars, stationery, or from official Borough flag Theodore Streeter - Mayor Charles R. Gable, MPA – Borough Manager Jacob W. Schindel – Council President Sara L. Stull – Borough Secretary Wesley K. Heyser – Council Vice President Harold A. Eastman, Jr. – Borough Solicitor Page 2 of 3 poles. 

As a community, we take very seriously the words spoken in President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, “…our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal … It is for us the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus nobly advanced”.

The Borough Government here serves this community in helping continue this unfinished work. The relevance of the message in President Lincoln’s 1863 speech is even more significant today, as each new generation embraces the fundamental right to equality. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania supports inclusion, diversity, and acceptance in the community and in fact has a ‘radical intolerance for inequality’.

While our Borough does not have an official policy on the use of the Confederate Flag, we are keenly aware of what it represented during the Civil War and today remains associated with white supremacist groups. For this reason, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania does not view the use of the Confederate Flag on any Government property (flag poles, police uniforms, etc.) as an appropriate symbol of inclusion and equality.

To this point, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania has designed and adopted a Borough Seal that recognizes the Historic significance of what occurred here and honors the inclusiveness and equality we strive for as an American people. You will see the Borough Seal of Gettysburg at the top of this stationary, which is an adaptation of the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Borough Flag. The three gold stars represent the three days of violent conflict on July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 1863. The white crisscrossing stripes represent the vast road network that converge on Gettysburg – the crucial supply lines the Confederates wanted to control as they had plans to seize the State Capitol of Harrisburg just 30 miles to our north. The colors (red, white, and blue) speak to the Union that is represented by the flag of the United State of America. This is Gettysburg’s symbol of unity and equality – a message we continue to take pride in and seek to pass on to future generations. The Borough Flag is very popular among residents and businesses who proudly fly and display it. People of all backgrounds rally around it.

There are statues, markers, and monuments in and around Gettysburg that are associated with the Confederacy. None of them stand for commercial purposes. Rather, they are displayed in historical context with an educational perspective. These markers must be used to teach future generations our history, if for no other purpose, so that we collectively can acknowledge the strides we’ve achieved as a Nation toward that ‘more perfect union’ and that we fought a war to help get there.

Currently across the Country a debate rages about the removal of these markers and that they should be moved to museums. It is Gettysburg Borough’s and the Gettysburg National Military Park’s view that these statues, markers, and monuments should remain for these historical, contextual, and educational reasons. After all, the battle happened here. Gettysburg Borough and the Gettysburg National Military Park are the museum!

The difference between our nonuse of the Confederate Flag in the public square or on public property and the defense of leaving Confederate statues, markers, and monuments in place is significant. These Confederate symbols recognize our troubled past, but do not honor that past – rather they now exist to teach the wrongs of that past. The nonuse of the Confederate symbols on our public property affirms for us and future generations that we have learned valuable lessons from that past and pledge to not only not repeat it, but to continue to pursue a more perfect American union.

Please accept the enclosed Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Flag and momentous. We value our Sister City relationship with Gettysburg, South Dakota and hope that one day representatives from each community can once again visit each other.


Charles R. Gable, MPA Borough Manager

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2020-07-03 • valleynewslive.com

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