
Change racist mascot - Warriors


Status: Pending Resolution

Winnacunnet is a Native American word that means "beautiful place in the pines".

Save Bros Co. shareholders voted on Saturday 10/17/2020 to retire the logo. ______________________________________________________________________

"We put the issue before all shareholders at our annual meeting on Saturday. We had 100% participation either virtually or by proxy. A lively discussion of this issue ensued with emotional and persuasive arguments for both retaining and retiring our logo... However, in the end, the majority favored retiring our logo in the long-term best interest of the company.

This change will not be immediate. We need to create a new logo that is symbolic of our company’s 165-year legacy. As a small business, we cannot ignore the expense to the company of this change, and after the design of our new logo, we will phase it in over the next year as we consume our inventory of printed materials and machinery labels..

Your campaign helped initiate the placement of this issue on this year’s annual meeting agenda... And although we have had absolutely zero communication of any kind from our industry members on this issue, the decision was based on the desire to not convey the perception that we may be a racist company in any way, as we are most certainly not. 

Bob Parmley


1825 Greenleaf Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 U.S.A."

Campaigns & Petitions (1)

2020-06-17 • Active • change.org

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