
The Godfrey-Lee "Legends" officially replaced the former mascot known as the "Rebels" in 2020 - Rebels, Johnny Reb


Status: Resolved
Established: 1936
Resolved: June 17th, 2019

While Lee School was named after Lee Street, it’s unclear how the street got its name. That’s according to a video on the evolution of the school nickname by former superintendent David Britten.

The school started calling itself the Rebels around 1936. The yearbook theme was the Civil War, and the school was soon associated with Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Eventually the mascot was changed from a helmeted Spartan soldier to a Confederate soldier.

The Rebel mascot won’t be completely forgotten, Polston said. The hall of fame is still called the Rebel Hall of Fame.

“We’re going to acknowledge the Rebel name as part of our history, we’re not striking it from the history books," he said.

"But we’re also going to tell the story as to why the change. So I think it’s important to acknowledge your history, but also acknowledge why it’s no longer part of our identity.”

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